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Ethnopharmacology and Potential ff Bioactive Compounds in Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea Linn.) as Antibacterial – A Review

Dewatisari, Whika Febria (2023) Ethnopharmacology and Potential ff Bioactive Compounds in Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea Linn.) as Antibacterial – A Review. In: Trends in Science and Technology for Sustainable Living. Universitas Terbuka, Tangerang Selatan, pp. 207-230. ISBN 978-623-153-294-7


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Clitoria ternatea, also called the butterfly pea, has an extended tradition of usage in medicine. Worldwide, Clitoria ternatea is a popular ornamental flower and has long been used as a culinary colouring. In order to treat conditions including digestive issues, constipation, joint inflammation, skin ailments, and liver and intestinal problems, among others, the plant’s many sections are used. This plant shows many antimicrobials, gastrointestinal antiparasitic, and insecticidal effects on its flower parts. Therefore, Clitoria ternatea must be cultivated, preserved, and studied for its potential further because of its many benefits. This paper reviews the potential of Clitoria ternatea flowers in antibacterial activity and its bioactive compounds based on recent research reviews, chemical compounds such as tannins, phlobatannins, carbohydrates, saponins, triterpenoids, phenols, flavonoids, flavonol glycosides, proteins, alkaloids, anthraquinones, anthocyanins, glycosides, stigmast-4-ene-3,6-dione, essential oils, steroid kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin glycosides, and anthocyanins have been isolated from Clitoria ternatea flowers. These compounds are found to have an antimicrobial activity that benefits human health. Thus, Clitoria ternatea is a promising candidate for functional food applications due to its various pharmacotherapeutic properties, safety, and effectiveness.

Item Type: Book Section
Additional Information (ID): 23/BS0025.pdf
Uncontrolled Keywords: antibacterial, Clitoria ternatea, bioactive compound
Subjects: 600 Technology and Applied Sciences > 610-619 Medical and Medicine Science (Ilmu Kedokteran dan Ilmu Pengobatan) > 615.1 Drugs, Medicine, Materia Medica (Obat-obatan, Materi Medika)
600 Technology and Applied Sciences > 610-619 Medical and Medicine Science (Ilmu Kedokteran dan Ilmu Pengobatan) > 615.3 Organic Drugs (Obat-obatan Organik)
Divisions: Koleksi Digital > Artikel
Depositing User: CR Cherrie Rachman
Date Deposited: 23 Nov 2023 04:44
Last Modified: 24 Nov 2023 06:18

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