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Prototipe Pengembangan UKM Melalui Kolaborasi Pemerintah, Perguruan Tinggi Dan Industri UKM (Usaha Kecil Dan Menengah)

Karim, Muhammad Firman and Samsiyah, Siti (2023) Prototipe Pengembangan UKM Melalui Kolaborasi Pemerintah, Perguruan Tinggi Dan Industri UKM (Usaha Kecil Dan Menengah). Project Report. Universitas Terbuka, Jakarta. (Submitted)

Laporan Akhir Penelitian dan Pengembangan dan Inovasi 2023 Firman.pdf

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Abstract SMEs or small and medium enterprises are a type of small scale business that does not have branches. SMEs are a type of business that is resilient in facing storms of economic downturn. The research entitled SME Development Through Collaboration between Government, Universities & Industry (small & medium) aims to obtain a development concept for small and medium enterprises that can encourage small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to grow and become the economic resilience of society. The methodology used in this research is research and development (R&D). This methodology was chosen because the collaboration between the 3 elements of local government, universities and industry, known as the triple helix, has not yet worked properly. From the existing development concept, it was developed into a new concept that can be applied in the development of SMEs as a result of collaboration between regional governments and universities. Primary data was obtained from observations, interviews with local governments, universities and SMEs. Secondary data was obtained from various article sources contained in printed and electronic data sources. Data processing uses the triple helix model, which describes the triple helix concept in the development of collaboration between regional government, universities and industry. This research will analyze qualitative data related to the role of each actor involved. The results of data processing found that in collaboration between regional government, universities and small and medium business actors, there is a lack of suitability between collaboration between universities and SMEs. In contrast to local governments which intensively provide guidance to SMEs, universities are still weak in assisting these SMEs. For this reason, it is necessary to emerge a new concept regarding collaboration between regional governments, universities and SMEs so that community economic empowerment through SMEs can truly be realized. Key words: collaboration between government, SMEs, universities, community economic resilience, community empowerment

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Additional Information (ID): 24/G0016.pdf
Uncontrolled Keywords: Collaboration between government, SMEs, universities, community economic resilience, community empowermen,kolaborasi pemerintah, UKM, perguruan tinggi, ketahanan ekonomi masyarakat, pemberdayaan masyarakat
Subjects: 300 Social Science > 330-339 Economics (Ilmu Ekonomi) > 338.9 Economic Development and Growth (Perkembangan Ekonomi, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi,Pemberdayaan Ekonomi, Usaha Kecil)
Divisions: Thesis,Disertasi & Penelitian > Penelitian
Depositing User: CR Cherrie Rachman
Date Deposited: 16 Feb 2024 02:07
Last Modified: 16 Feb 2024 03:11

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