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Pengaruh Citizen Journalism Terhadap Demokratisasi Indonesia

Wibowo, Agung Setiyo (2010) Pengaruh Citizen Journalism Terhadap Demokratisasi Indonesia. In: Seminar Nasional FISIP-UT 2010.

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Citizen journalism is often meant as news sent by citizen to media without journalism competence (background). It’s different with the public journalism which always meant by civic journalism and basically developed by professional reporter to respond the raise of public distrust to media and politics. Hard criticisms to the standard and arrogance of media encouraged media to think about function and responsibility to the society and how reporter can be responsive to the public issues. It’s named by public journalism. Whereas, civic journalism redefines news values, asks objectivity and impartiality values, encourages involvement of reporter to be active in the society, and wants to practice of journalism which reflects cultural plurality. The citizen journalism encourages change to the informatics democratization. The people power collectively gets more determining the truth of widespread information. In brief, the information isn’t dominated by elite community. But, citizen journalism creates the diversity of information and determines what information is needed. It’s one of democracy pillar namely press rights. This paper was aimed to examine the influences of citizen journalism to the democratization of Indonesia as the impact of changing over journalism structure from authoritarian government during the New Order to more democratic government of the Reformation Era. This study proposes the correlation between democracy and individual rights existence is very high. Even, it can be concluded that individual rights which represented by citizen journalism is a key factor of democracy.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information (ID): fisip201016.pdf
Uncontrolled Keywords: citizen journalism, civic journalism, public journalism, reformation, democratization
Subjects: 000 Generalities > 070-079 Journalism, News Media, Publishing (Jurnalisme, Media Berita, Penerbitan) > 070.4 Journalism (Jurnalisme, Jurnalistik, Pers)
Divisions: Prosiding Seminar UT > Seminar Nasional FISIP-UT 2010
Depositing User: admin upload repo
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2016 02:27
Last Modified: 27 Sep 2016 08:23

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