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Analysis of Quality of Service, Employee’s Ability and Performance toward Public Satisfaction

Helmiatin, and Hartati, Noorina (2015) Analysis of Quality of Service, Employee’s Ability and Performance toward Public Satisfaction. In: 3rd International Interdisciplinary Business Economic Advancement, 28 Maret - 2 April 2015, St. Lauderale, Flotida, USA.


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Public services cannot be separated from public area and political aspect as heterogeneous stakeholders.The first impressions of public service had not met the standard services, for example in adequacy, ability, and performance of the services. Serving the needs of the people is some kind of hard work if the staffs don’t have skill to do a good job. The fact is that there is still lack of human resources that meet the requirements to service better in the district office. The aim of the research is to gain information about public services in the district offices as a part of public services. Furthermore, the research is also trying to find the problems that appear in the district offices. This research is using survey method, to answer the research objectives, and to process data in this study is using LISREL program. The result showed that the disciplined of staff are increased, the time range of services are shorter. In order to elaborate the rules in public services, there should be a clear reward and punishment applied.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information (ID): 2015-In-007
Uncontrolled Keywords: Public Service; Performance; Public Satisfaction
Subjects: 300 Social Science > 350-359 Public Administration and Military Science (Administrasi Negara dan Ilmu Kemiliteran) > 351 Public Administration (Administrasi Negara)
700 The Art, Fine and Sport > 790-799 Recreational and Performing Arts (Olah Raga dan Seni Pertunjukan) > 791 Public Performances (Pertunjukan Umum)
Divisions: Koleksi Digital > Artikel
Depositing User: Praba UT
Date Deposited: 24 Oct 2016 09:12
Last Modified: 28 Feb 2019 02:05

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