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Internationalization Strategy Berbasis Industri Kreatif Potensi IKM-Orientasi Ekspor: Pengaruh Network Resources, Internasionalisasi terhadap Kinerja

Ginting, Ginta and Maria, Maya (2014) Internationalization Strategy Berbasis Industri Kreatif Potensi IKM-Orientasi Ekspor: Pengaruh Network Resources, Internasionalisasi terhadap Kinerja. Project Report. Universitas Terbuka, Jakarta.


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Trade liberalization and market globalization become a good momentum for SMI’s to engange in international business. Creative industries represent a dynamic cluster of emerging economic activity. Most of the players in this industries are SMIs. Within a decade, the number of SMI’s that involves in international business through export shows increasing trend. However, for SMIs business in international market poses significant challenges because they still a low competitiveness due to some problems such as reluctant to innovate the product design, less proactive to seek market opportunity and face the business risks. Therefore, strategy to utilize network resources with optimum facilities from stakeholder becomes an important agenda to build competitive advantage. This research aims to investigate the influences of building network resources toward the degree of internationalization and its impact to SMIs performance. Measurement was made to search variables in determining how the relationship of variables. Verification used as a method of analysis. Hyphotesis were tested by multivariate statistics - SEM Lisrel. The sample was chosen by random sampling. The sample was 140 SMIs in the Creative Industry in west java province. As a result, network resources significantly affects degree of internationalization and performance. So the higher the network resource, the bigger impact to the increasing degree of internationalization and performance. However, due to the smallness of SMI’s, this research has found that degree of internationalization not significantly influence to the SMI’s performance. Access to knowledge and access to market opportunity are two important factor for SMIs if success in utilizing network resources.

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Additional Information (ID): 2014_122
Uncontrolled Keywords: Network Resources, Degree of Internationalization, Performance, Creative industries, SMI’s
Subjects: 000 Generalities > 000-009 Knowledge - Special Computer Methods (Ilmu Umum dan Komputer) > 004.65 Computer Communications Networks (Jaringan Komunikasi Komputer)
Divisions: Thesis,Disertasi & Penelitian > Penelitian
Depositing User: Praba UT
Date Deposited: 10 Nov 2016 03:33
Last Modified: 11 Feb 2019 02:55

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