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The Countermeasures of Cyber Bullying Based on Routine Activity Theory

Nurhadiyanto, Lucky (2018) The Countermeasures of Cyber Bullying Based on Routine Activity Theory. In: Open society conference, social and political challenges in industrial revolution 4.0 (BNBB), 15 November 2018, UTCC.

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The cases of cyber bullying still increasing from year to year. It’s not only due to the rapid development of technology and information but also the assumption that cyber bullying isn’t apart of crime, delinquent or deviant. The presence of the Electronic Information and Transaction Act (UU ITE) perhaps can accommodate the legal restrictions of cyber bullying. However, it’s not enough to reduce the variety of cyber bullying. The background of this research to formulate the overcome of cyber bullying based on routine activity theory. The focused is to identify motivated offender, suitable target, and capable guardian. This study try to identification the contribution of offender,victims, and bystander. This research using qualitative methods with data collection techniques, such as in-depth interviews, focus group discussions,and participant observation. Data sources was gained from Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), National Commission for Child Protection (KomnasPA), National Police (Polri), Forum of National Children, Harapan Ibu High School, and Citra Alam High School. This research classifies the school role to develop “positive climate schools” and the role of offender, victims,and bystander to fight cyber bullying. The result of this research show that the stakeholders must contribute to prevent cyber bullying, especially the legislative power and law enforcement officer.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information (ID): ocs-2018-10.pdf
Uncontrolled Keywords: capable guardian, cyber bullying, motivated offender,suitable target
Subjects: 000 Generalities > 000-009 Knowledge - Special Computer Methods (Ilmu Umum dan Komputer) > 006.754 Online Social Network (Situs Jejaring Sosial, Sosial Media)
300 Social Science > 300-309 Sociology and Anthropology (Sosiologi dan Antropologi) > 302.23 Media of Communication, Mass Media (Media Komunikasi, Media Massa)
Divisions: Prosiding Seminar UT > Seminar Nasional FHISIP-UT 2018
Depositing User: CR Cherrie Rachman
Date Deposited: 08 Feb 2019 07:40
Last Modified: 13 Feb 2019 07:27

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