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Intellectual Capital Measurement and Disclosure in Indonesia: a Literature Review

Hartati, Noorina and Juwita, Rakhmini and Firman, Antares (2016) Intellectual Capital Measurement and Disclosure in Indonesia: a Literature Review. In: International Seminar on Business, Economics, Social Sciences and Technology (ISBEST) 2018 “Collaborative Innovation of Economic Society in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)”, 5 Desember 2018, Jakarta.

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Recent global development in the economy has led many worldwide stakeholders to put more concern on intellectual capital as an intangible asset. Prior research had proved intellectual capital as a pivotal factor in improving company's performance. In accordance with intellectual capital measurement, Pulics’ model in 2004, known as VAICtm had been considered as the best practice in measuring the performance of intellectual potential. However, there has no agreement been made to justify the VAICtm model as the best practice in measuring intellectual capital. Furthermore, in accordance with Indonesia's accounting regulation, intellectual capital disclosures are considered as voluntary. There is no specific regulation to determine intellectual capital disclosures as mandatory in the financial report. As results, many companies are not disclosing their intellectual capital elements on their financial report. This issue had made a financial report to become less informative, as the value stated does not represent the actual condition. In contrary, the investors are looking forward to actual disclosure of the financial report to make an effective economic decision. Consequently, this paper aims to elaborate the measurement and disclosure method of intellectual capital potential in Indonesia.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information (ID): ISBEST-orin.pdf
Uncontrolled Keywords: Intellectual Capital, VAICtm, Disclosure, Indonesia
Subjects: 000 Generalities > 000-009 Knowledge - Special Computer Methods (Ilmu Umum dan Komputer) > 001.1 Intellectual Life (Kehidupan Intelektual)
300 Social Science > 330-339 Economics (Ilmu Ekonomi) > 332.041 Capital (Modal, Permodalan)
Divisions: Koleksi Digital > Artikel
Depositing User: David NP
Date Deposited: 27 Mar 2019 07:57
Last Modified: 27 Mar 2019 07:58

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