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Pengaruh Komunikasi, Sumber Daya, Sikap Pelaksana, Dan Struktur Birokrasi Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Pendidikan RSMABI Di SMA N 1 Kota Tegal

Hidayati, Tri Susila (2011) Pengaruh Komunikasi, Sumber Daya, Sikap Pelaksana, Dan Struktur Birokrasi Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Pendidikan RSMABI Di SMA N 1 Kota Tegal. Masters thesis, Universitas Terbuka.


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The indications of the lack of communication, learning resources, executive attitudes, and bureaucratic structures at school has affected on the poor quality of education service delivery. The service quality is influenced by four factors of organization''s environment, namely: communication, resources, executive attitudes, and bureaucratic structures. The research done in RSMABI in SMA N 1 Tegal, has the purpose : 1) To describe the level of quality of education services, 2) To describe the level of communication, resources, executive attitudes, and bureaucratic structure in the socialization of Consumer Protection Act (UUPK), which is a general perception about the policy of education consumer protection, 3) To know the relationship and great influence among the communication, resources, executive attitudes, and bureaucratic structure toward the quality of education services. The population sample is taken with random sampling technique, it was chosen 235 people of SMA N 1 Tegal. The independent variable in this study were communication (X1), learning resources (X2), executive attitudes (X3), and the bureaucratic structure (X4), while the dependent variable is the quality of educational services (Y). The data collection was found out from : 1) questionnaire, 2) interview guide, 3) documents. The data analysis techniques in this study uses simple regression analysis techniques. The results showed that there were positive effects of communication variables, resources, attitudes and bureaucratic stuctrures in implementing socialization of Consumer Protection Act (UUPK) together to the quality of education servives as indicated by the regression equation Yˆ= 41,393 + 8,151X1 + 5,521X2 + 3,324X3 + 5,604X4, with a large contribution of R2 = 0,856. From each influence dominant factors, it is obtained the great sequence: 1) communication 0,649, 2) resources 0,566, 3) bureaucratic structure 0,507, and 4) the attitude of the implementing 0,477.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information (ID): 40706.pdf
Uncontrolled Keywords: communication, learning resources, executive attitudes, bureaucratic structure, service quality, education
Subjects: 600 Technology and Applied Sciences > 650-659 Management and Auxiliary Service (Manajemen dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan) > 659.3125 Performance Analysis (Analisis Kinerja, Evaluasi Kinerja)
Divisions: Tugas Akhir Program Magister (TAPM) > Magister Ilmu Administrasi Publik
Depositing User: admin upload repo
Date Deposited: 04 Aug 2016 02:03
Last Modified: 04 Aug 2016 02:03

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