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Faktor -Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Pelanggan Dan Getok Tular Pelanggan Pada Produk Speedy (Studi Kasus PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Kota Batam)

Susanto, Alpino (2012) Faktor -Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Pelanggan Dan Getok Tular Pelanggan Pada Produk Speedy (Studi Kasus PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Kota Batam). Masters thesis, Universitas Terbuka.


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This study analyses the factors that can influence customer satisfaction and a positive word of mouth (getok tutar) in the case pf PT Telkom Indonesia with the fixed line product Speedy. The variables that considered influence the customer satisfaction and word of mouth are Product Quality, Service Quality, Competitive Pricing, Promotion, Customer Value and Brand Image. The population of this study are customers of Speedy in Batam, those that being customers of speedy and ever paid the bill. The sampling technique applied in this study is by the formula n = N / N (d) 2 +1 , and data analysis referring to SPSS 17 program. The results and implications of this study is that theoretically to support the previous researches that the product quality, service quality. competitive pricing, promotion, customer value, and brand image so called independent variable, simultaneously influence customer satisfaction levels and word of mouth (getok tutar), At the level of one-to-one correlation between independen variables toward customer satisfaction, there are 2 variables: Product quality and customer value are proven influence the customer satisfaction, while the other 4 variables: service qUality. competitive pricing, promotion, and brand image are not proven influence the customer satisfaction and word of mouth. The Customer satisfaction as an intervening variable betwen independen variables and word of mouth (getok tillar) is proven influence word of mouth (getok tutar), At the managerial level, this study hopefully would contribute to PT Telkom Indonesia in improving services quality to customers, moving forward increasing customer satisfaction and positive word ofmouth. While for the researcher, this study is purely for the learning experience in term of fulfilling the task of research as prerequisite ofMagister Managemen Graduation Program in Universitas Terbuka.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information (ID): 40777.PDF
Uncontrolled Keywords: product quality, service quality, competitive pricing, promotion, customer value, brand image, customer satisfaction and positive word of mouth (getok tutar)
Subjects: 600 Technology and Applied Sciences > 650-659 Management and Auxiliary Service (Manajemen dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan) > 658.4013 Control and Quality Management (Manajemen Kontrol dan Kualitas)
Divisions: Tugas Akhir Program Magister (TAPM) > Magister Manajemen
Depositing User: admin upload repo
Date Deposited: 04 Aug 2016 02:31
Last Modified: 04 Aug 2016 02:31

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