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Actor-Network Theory Study on Demak Regency Regional Leader Election 2011

Susanti, (2016) Actor-Network Theory Study on Demak Regency Regional Leader Election 2011. ARPN Journal : Journal Of Science And Technology, 6 (4). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2225-7217

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This study aims to identify the network maps and reconstruct the map so that you can explain the impact of government. The study used qualitative methods that is cyclical, with informants sampled in purposive which in actor-network theory principle priority is a description of events without distinguishing human actors and non-human actors. The results showed that the originally oppressed culture able to attract people empathy to the actor. Associated with the networks, actor utilize government leadership network that has been owned by previous actor and using vehicles of political parties, in this case PKB, PPP, PKS and Golkar Party. Meanwhile, seince a second term, incumbent utilizing network of government and religious leader, clerics, and boarding school for a similar mission. Furthermore, the network of religious leader, clerics, and boarding school serves as an agent or intermediary in translating the mission to attract the people's voice. This network regardless to the origin of NU or Muhamadiyah, and attract Islamic political party (PKB, PPP, and PKS), as well as the nationalist party Golkar to join. These networks are powerfull in fighting the actors because of the facilitation and improvement of human respurces training obtained from the actor.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information (ID): L0077-19.pdf
Uncontrolled Keywords: actor, actor-network theory, oppressed culture, strong networking
Subjects: 300 Social Science > 320-329 Political and Government Science (Ilmu Politik dan Pemerintahan) > 324.6 Election System (Pemilihan Umum, Pemilu)
300 Social Science > 320-329 Political and Government Science (Ilmu Politik dan Pemerintahan) > 324.91-324.99 Geographic Treatment (Kampanye dan Pemilihan Umum di Lokasi Tertentu)
Divisions: Koleksi Digital > Artikel
Depositing User: CR Cherrie Rachman
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2019 08:12
Last Modified: 06 Sep 2019 08:12

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