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Character Building at the Early Childhood through the Values Education (Case Study at the Kindergarten Laboratory Pilot UPI)

Sardjiyo, and Antoro, Sunu Dwi and Purwatiningsih, Ary (2011) Character Building at the Early Childhood through the Values Education (Case Study at the Kindergarten Laboratory Pilot UPI). In: The 2011 International Early Childhood Studies Conference, 11-12 Juli 2011, UPI Bandung.

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Early age is the age of gold or golden age, it is the "critical" period for the children who need the right incentives to achieve perfect maturity. The meaning of critical period is the period that greatly affects the success of the next period. If this critical period did not receive proper stimulation in the form of training or learning process then the expected child will have difficulty at times of the child subsequent developments. The major concern in this study is how the model of the Values Education implemented in the Kindergarten Laboratory Pilot UPI in the character building of children as a form of efforts to strengthen the foundations of personality of students. This study is an effort in formulating the concept and model as the foundation of Values Education in establishing the character of early childhood. The application of qualitative methods in research is intended to see the implementation of values education as an effort of the character building for young children conducted by the teacher through the integration of subjects. Method of data collection is done by in-depth interviews to the respondents (BPS Board, the principal and kindergarten teachers Laboratory Pilot UPI). Results showed that kindergarten teachers at the Kindergarten Laboratory Pilot UPI has undertaken various efforts of character building for their students to strengthen the foundations of personality of the students, Principal and School Administrator continue to provide reinforcement to the teachers about the importance of educational values / character through seminars and workshops in order to enrich and deepen the educational model of learning by integrating educational value in the Unit Daily Activities (SKH). The values shapes developed in each SKH is not written in concrete, however in the implementation or in the process of learning throughout the teacher always reinforce the meaning of values in SKH and through habituation to do good learners. Personality development of students or build a child's character, noble character and increase the learner become the shared responsibility of schools (school leaders, teachers and education personnel), and Parents. Successful development of the learners' character does not only the task of the teachers, but there should be a synergy between school and parent community of learners

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information (ID): S0051-21.pdf
Uncontrolled Keywords: Educational values/character education, early childhood
Subjects: 100 Philosophy and Psychology > 150-159 Psychology (Psikologi/Ilmu Jiwa) > 155.25 Character Development (Perkembangan Kepribadian, Perkembangan Karakter)
Divisions: Koleksi Digital > Artikel
Depositing User: CR Cherrie Rachman
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2021 04:24
Last Modified: 10 Sep 2021 06:10

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