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Items where Division is "Arsip Digital > Dokumentasi" and Year is 2019
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Aji, Sandra Sukmaning and Hamda, Sri and Jamaludin, (2019) Tracer Study for Graduates of The Bachelor Degree Program at Chemistry Education. In: The 2nd ICoSMEE (International Conference on Science, Mathematics, Environment and Education), 26-28 Juli 2019, Universitas Sebelas Maret.
Niku, Elpipres (2019) Kebijakan Sistem Zonasi Sekolah. Radar Sorong.
Nurmawati, and Suparman, (2019) Dissemination of Augmented Reality Book to Learning Geometry Analytic. In: 1st International Conference on Education and Social Science Research (ICESRE 2018), 6 Oktober 2018, Semarang.
Purwantiningsih, Ary (2019) Swrtifikat kompetensi. UNSPECIFIED.
Rahayu, Ucu and Winata, Adi and Nursantoso, Teguh and Sudarso, Yos (2019) The Pattern of Learning Material Purchases through Online Book Store by Non Semester Package System Students, Universitas Terbuka. In: World Conference on Online Learning 2019, 3-7 November 2019, Dublin, Irlandia.
Sediyaningsih, Sri (2019) Communication Ethics in Distance Learning Methods = Etika Komunikasi dalam dunia pembelajaran Jarak Jauh. In: Rapat Kerja, 19 Januari 2012, FISIP-UT. (Submitted)
Sediyaningsih, Sri (2019) Digital Literacy; Ethics in Whatsapp Consumption. In: Konferensi Nasional Komunikasi, 12 – 14 November, 2019, Banda Aceh.
Sediyaningsih, Sri (2019) Insani Indonesia yang unggul dan berkarakter di era Siber. In: Seminar Wisuda 2019, Juni, 2019, Kendari. (Unpublished)
Sediyaningsih, Sri (2019) Pendidikan Karakter di Era Cyber. In: Workshop LLDIKTI Wilayah IX/Palembang, Mei 2019, Palembang. (Unpublished)
Teguh, (2019) Menjadi Guru Sekolah Dasar Yang Inovatif Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0. In: Seminar Nasional dengan Tema: Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0, 28 September 2019, Palembang.
Teguh, (2019) Peluang Dan Tantangan Alumni: Universitas Terbuka Dalam Menghadapi Era Revolusi 4.0. In: Seminar UPI dengan tema: Peluang dan Tantangan Bangsa Indonesia Menghadapi Revolusi Industri 4.0, 11 Februari 2019, Palembang.