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Web-Based Learning: Research and Innovation in Translation Learning Resources

Karnedi, (2015) Web-Based Learning: Research and Innovation in Translation Learning Resources. In: Open Education Consortium's Annual Conference, 21-26 April 2015, Banff, Alberta Kanada.


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Printed materials have been the major type of learning mode employed by most universities. However, within the context of providing open learning resources for the students, other universities have also shown increasing research and development activities associated with technology-oriented learning resources in the form of Open Educational Resources. This paper reports on research and innovation in the design, development, and evaluation of online translation learning resources. To achieve the objectives, two models of research are adopted − Research and Development model and Web-Based Instructional Design/WBID model. In terms of methodology, the development of the web-based learning resources goes through several major stages: (1) analysis stage aiming to study the outcomes, context, learners, instructional content, instructional design, and the use of educational technology; (2) evaluation planning stage examining related aspects (i.e. effectiveness, efficiency, appeal, usability); (3) concurrent design stage involving the design, development, formative evaluation, and initial implementation; (4) full implementation stage. This research adopts mixed methods − qualitative and quantitative methods. As for data collection, a number of techniques are used (i.e. in-depth interviews with content experts, instructional designers and media experts, and surveys (online/written questionnaire), observation involving the users (i.e. students and tutors), assessment instruments, as well as a documentation study of the existing printed translation learning resources. A critical analysis of these issues is followed by a crucial discussion. The paper concludes with an assertive view that a combination of the two (i.e. web-based learning resources and online tutorial packages) would not only create greater access to open learning sources for the students but will also improve higher quality of learning resources

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information (ID): 2015-In-009
Uncontrolled Keywords: formative evaluation, online translation learning resources, R & D, WBID model, research and innovation, stakeholders’ perception, web-based learning
Subjects: 300 Social Science > 370-379 Education (Pendidikan) > 371.3 Methods of Instruction and Study (Metode Belajar Mengajar, Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar)
300 Social Science > 370-379 Education (Pendidikan) > 374.4 Distance Education (Pendidikan Jarak Jauh)
300 Social Science > 370-379 Education (Pendidikan) > 378 Higher Education, Universities (Pendidikan Tinggi, Unversitas)
300 Social Science > 370-379 Education (Pendidikan) > 378.175 Distance Education (pendidikan jarak jauh)
Divisions: Koleksi Digital > Artikel Pendidikan Terbuka Jarak Jauh
Depositing User: Praba UT
Date Deposited: 25 Oct 2016 01:37
Last Modified: 29 Apr 2020 05:51

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