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Validating Student Satisfaction Related to Persistence, Academic Performance, Retention, and Career Advancement in ODL Perspectives

Sembiring, Maximus Gorky (2015) Validating Student Satisfaction Related to Persistence, Academic Performance, Retention, and Career Advancement in ODL Perspectives. In: 26th ICDE World Conference, 14-16 Oktober 2015, Sun City, Afrika Selatan.


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Student satisfaction associated with persistence, academic performance, retention and its relations to career advancement were examined in this inquiry. It was aimed at measuring service quality as a foundation of satisfaction delivered by Universitas Terbuka Indonesia perceived by students. It was also of interests to exhibit on how and in what comportments all variables engaged interrelated within service quality context. The study was conducted under Mixed Methods (Explanatory Design; quantitative first, followed by qualitative). Data was collected proportionally and purposively by survey using questionnaire, followed by congregating them over again through unified in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Population was 1,814 students domiciled overseas; 350 questionnaires were dispersed and 169 were completed (9.21%). Satisfaction was assessed by examining dimensions of service quality (reliability, assurance, tangible, empathy, and responsiveness). Both importance-performance analysis (IPA) and customer satisfaction index (CSI) were applied simultaneously to measure satisfaction and the level of its importance. Structural equation model (SEM) was then employed to validate influencing traits of variables engaged. Nine hypotheses developed were all significantly validated by the analysis. It was understood that aspects on responsiveness, assurance, tangible, reliability, and empathy were sequentially in harmony to satisfaction. Career advancement, retention, academic performance, and persistence were positively influenced by satisfaction respectively. Likewise, qualitative inquiry implemented afterwards was basically coherent with the previous findings accomplished quantitatively with slight and minor disparities.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information (ID): 2015-In-010
Uncontrolled Keywords: Service quality, satisfaction, retention, explanatory design, IPA-CSI, SEM
Subjects: 300 Social Science > 370-379 Education (Pendidikan) > 374.4 Distance Education (Pendidikan Jarak Jauh)
300 Social Science > 370-379 Education (Pendidikan) > 378.175 Distance Education (pendidikan jarak jauh)
600 Technology and Applied Sciences > 650-659 Management and Auxiliary Service (Manajemen dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan) > 658.812 Customer Satisfaction/TQM/Quality Of Service (Kepuasan Pelanggan)
Divisions: Koleksi Digital > Artikel Pendidikan Terbuka Jarak Jauh
Depositing User: Praba UT
Date Deposited: 25 Oct 2016 01:42
Last Modified: 29 Apr 2020 06:20

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