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The Quality of OER in a Distance Education Institution: a Study of Students Perspective

Harsasi, Meirani and Minrohayati, (2015) The Quality of OER in a Distance Education Institution: a Study of Students Perspective. In: Open Education Consortium's Annual Conference, 21-26 April 2015, Banff, Alberta Kanada.


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Universitas Terbuka (UT) is the only higher education institution in Indonesia that implements a distance and open learning system. The essence of distance learning is the separation between students and teachers, so that the learning process should be carried out independently by the students. The implementation of the system leads UT to provide a wide range of learning resources. UT OER is one of learning resources that can be utilized by anyone. This learning resource is open to public; anyone can access it without any limitations of place and time. One of OER materials that have been developed is OER of Operations Research course. This course is classified as difficult course because all of the topics are quantitative approach and students are required to have the competence to solve problems in business. The objective of the development Operations Research as OER is to help students learn it more easily, considering that operations research is a difficult course. The research was designed as an explanatory research which was aimed to analyze student’s perception on operations research OER by analyzing the gap between students’ perception and students’ expectation toward the quality of the OER. Purposive sampling was chosen as sampling technique with the criterion that each respondent has passed operations research course. To get the data from respondents,questionnaires were sent to respondents via email. As many as 43 questionnaires were sent back and could be used for the next analysis. The questions were organized into 20 items which showed importance aspects of the OER that need to be assessed by students. Using paired t-test analysis, it was found that there were 4 items were not significant with p value > 0.05 at 95% confidence interval. Those items were animation, sound, instructional objectives, and test. This means that only for these items, there were no differences between students’ perception and students’ expectation or in other words, only for these items, expectations of the students on the quality of the OER program are fulfilled. This also means that there are some improvements needed for OER of research operations.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information (ID): 2015-In-012
Uncontrolled Keywords: distance education, learning resource, OER, operations research
Subjects: 300 Social Science > 370-379 Education (Pendidikan) > 374.4 Distance Education (Pendidikan Jarak Jauh)
Divisions: Koleksi Digital > Artikel Pendidikan Terbuka Jarak Jauh
Depositing User: Praba UT
Date Deposited: 25 Oct 2016 01:51
Last Modified: 29 Apr 2020 05:33

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