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Pengaruh Persepsi Kualitas Layanan Pendidikan Terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Survei : Di SMA Swasta Di Kota Bekasi (2007)

Setyarini, Noenoek (2007) Pengaruh Persepsi Kualitas Layanan Pendidikan Terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Survei : Di SMA Swasta Di Kota Bekasi (2007). Masters thesis, Universitas Terbuka.


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This research is aimed to explore about (1) Does the perception toward Education Service Quality, Comprising tangible, emphaty, realibility, responsiveness, and assurance have impact toward user' satifaction ? (2) Does the perception towards quality of tangible dimension have significant impact toward Senior High School Consumers satisfaction?. This research applies survey methode. This research population is Educational Service consumers in Private High School in Bekasi. The sampling technique is conducted with purporsive sampling. In which Private High School are classified into three strata (Top, middle and Low). The total number of respondent as many 180 people as Educational service consumers in Non-State Senior High School in Bekasi are Spread out in three school strata. The data collecting is performed with questionaire. The primary data are obtained directly from the respondents. The secondary data are adapted from documents and interviews. In setting research instruments, the researcher performs literatur study, Private High Schools observation, expert consultation and short interview to Private High School managers. All these are conducted on purpose of building comprehension about the substance of educational service quality in Non-Govermental-owned high school. The data obatined from measurement are analyzed with descriptive analysis by using (1) Analysisi of perceptive difference on educational service quality, (2) Analysis of double linear regression, (3) Standard error of estimate analysis, (4) double correlation detemination coefficient analysis, (5) F examination, (6) partial-correlation analysis. The applicatin of these analysis are aimed to obtaine extremaly accurate result. From the calculation result it is obtained that each school stratum can be found a gap between the users' hope and perception towards educational service quality. This means that what the users hope has not yet been fulfilled by the school managers / owners. The largest gap of Al Azhar 4 High School lies on emphaty dimension, namely 0,37. Mutiara 17 Agustus High School on tangible dimension 0,33 and Citra Kencana High School on tangible dimension 0,30. this means that Al Azhar 4 High School managers must improve their service quality dealing with their emphaty dimension such as giving more attention to the users. To Mutiara 17 Agustus High School and Citra Kencana High School have to increase their service quality concerning with facilities, equipments and educational infrastuctures in order the users hope of service quality could be met. Out of the five educational quality dimensions which have significant impact in Al Azhar 4 and Mutiara 17 Agustus High School are assurance dimention, proved of regression coefficient obtained is 0,236 for Al Azhar 4 and 0,372 for Mutiara 17 Agustus Senior High School. This case shows that the school side has to put a priority on service quality of assurance dimension. Meanwhile, the most influential dimension on Citra Kencana High School is emphaty dimension with the regression coefficient 0,335. That's why, Citra Kencana High School has to raise more the service on this dimension, by acting sympatheticly and friendly in communication with the users/consumers, either the students are or their parents. From the result it means that hypothesis examination saying tangible dimension has the most significant impact toward users satisfaction is not proved.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information (ID): 41190.pdf
Uncontrolled Keywords: Perception; educational service quality; users' satisfaction
Subjects: 100 Philosophy and Psychology > 150-159 Psychology (Psikologi/Ilmu Jiwa) > 152.1 Sensory Perception (Persepsi Indera)
Divisions: Tugas Akhir Program Magister (TAPM) > Magister Manajemen
Depositing User: admin upload repo
Date Deposited: 01 Aug 2016 08:55
Last Modified: 16 Sep 2016 03:05

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