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Analisis Pola Layanan Pengaduan Masyarakat (Studi Kasus Unit Sentra Pelayanan Bagian Pelayanan Pengaduan Divisi Propam Mabes Polri)

Wulandari, Florentina Ratih and Aisyah, Siti (2012) Analisis Pola Layanan Pengaduan Masyarakat (Studi Kasus Unit Sentra Pelayanan Bagian Pelayanan Pengaduan Divisi Propam Mabes Polri). Project Report. Universitas Terbuka, Jakarta.


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Public Complain Centre Service is an essential unit for public service, because it conducts governmental interest and public interest, for making better, easier and faster the public service in term of bureaucracy reforms. Effectivity Public Complain Centre Service’s performance is an indicator how public service runs to obtain its quality and goals for public, so does Provost and Internal Security Division Public Complain Centre Service Indonesia Republic Civil Police Department Headquarter. This research was qualitative method and was analyzed with the frame of reference of service quality, pattern of public service, “Seven-S McKinsey” for system, shared value, style of management and structure analyzed.The main issue is how pattern of public service at Provost and Internal Security Division Public Complain Centre Service Indonesia Republic Civil Police Department Headquarter and what are the problems be faced by this unit. Result of these research are pattern of public service of Provost and Internal Security Division Public Complain Centre Service Indonesia Republic Civil Police Department Headquarter use one stop one gate pattern which are combined with web service. Complain public service’s effectivity are supported at this moment by profeesional public servive trained officers, yet culture change need more time for comprehensively change than its looks. Problem still in web network which is subjunction on to major communication other subregional Police Unit. The manual service system has been not firm enough supporting the electronic (web) service system yet. The unit still need a quality public service intensively for staffs, so do the chief, which is enriched with Indonesia Republic Civil Police core values internalization for strengthen complain public service work values, for public sakeness and Indonesia Republic Civil Police’s role existency. Recommendations for Provost and Internal Security Division Public Complain Centre Service Indonesia Republic Civil Police Department Headquarter are making a step by step for manufacturing quality of complain pubic service which must be support by internal organization, for qualified and satisfied public service as Provost and Internal Security Division Indonesia Republic Civil Police Department Headquarter’s mission and vision. These steps support by management knowledge of core values Division Indonesia Republic Civil Police’s internalization intensively in this unit. For existency and effectivity public complain centre service, first, need an independent (autonomous) public complain centre service special unit for handling the public complains. Second, establish easier mechanism and system which are giving an outcome be handled and followed up with output transparancy, so the case progress reports well informed for clients. Third, it need urgency of human resources development (capacity buliding) for personnel awareness or conciousness conduct to manufacturing quality of complain public service handling.

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Additional Information (ID): 2012_24
Uncontrolled Keywords: polri, pelayanan polisi, pengaduan masyarakat
Subjects: 300 Social Science > 360-369 Social Problems and Services (Permasalahan dan Kesejahteraan Sosial) > 363.2 Police Service (Layanan Kepolisian)
Divisions: Thesis,Disertasi & Penelitian > Penelitian
Depositing User: Praba UT
Date Deposited: 07 Nov 2016 01:57
Last Modified: 01 Feb 2018 07:28

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