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Usodo, Sasmito Sudio and Priyati, Rini Yayuk and Mujtahid, Iqbal Miftakhul (2021) The Analysis of the Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on the Financial Performance and HDI of Extractive Companies Listed on the IDX for the Years of 2008-2017. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 10 (1). pp. 149-156.
Priyati, Rini Yayuk (2015) Exploring the Trade-offs between Land Use and Income Changes due to Palm Oil Industry Expansion in Indonesia. In: The LPEM’s Conference on Economics and Finance in Indonesia, 30 November-1 Desember 2015, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Jabar.
Darojat, Ojat and Wihadanto, Ake and Aprijani, Dwi Astuti and Priyati, Rini Yayuk and Suhartono, and Majidah, and Kosasih, Fauzy Rahman and Kartono, and Ayuni, Devi (2020) Kewibawaan Akademik: 36 Tahun Universitas Terbuka. Universitas Terbuka, Tangerang Selatan.
Darojat, Ojat and Wihadanto, Ake and Aprijani, Dwi Astuti and Priyati, Rini Yayuk and Suhartono, and Majidah, and Kosasih, Fauzy Rahman and Kartono, and Devi Ayuni, (2020) 36 Tahun Universitas Terbuka Kewibawaan Akademik (BNBB). Universitas Terbuka, Tangerang selatan. ISBN 978-602-392-946-7
Priyati, Rini Yayuk (2011) ESPA4424-Analisis Pembangunan Ekonomi. [Teaching Resource]
Priyati, Rini Yayuk (2010) ESPA4524-Sistem Keuangan Pusat dan daerah. [Teaching Resource]