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Rancang Bangun Media Mobile Learning Dengan Model Ethnomatematika Pada Mata Kuliah Geometri

Masduki, Lusi Rachmiazasi and Suparman, and Prayitno, Edi (2018) Rancang Bangun Media Mobile Learning Dengan Model Ethnomatematika Pada Mata Kuliah Geometri. In: Seminar Hasil Penelitian Program Riset Dasar DRPM, 18-20 Nopember 2018, Tangerang Selatan.

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This advanced research aims to determine the feasibility, effectiveness and practicality of mobilemath products in geometry courses in an expanded manner in LPTKs in Central Java which have a mathematics education study program namely 1) Open University and 2) Walisongo State Islamic University Semarang, because it represents a university based religion and general in the city of Semarang. This type of research is the development of Borg and Gall with 10 stages, in the second year are implemented stage 7-10 (7) Revised design (8) The trial usage (9) Revision Products, (10) Mass production. The products mobilemath based ethnomatematics that have been tested are expanded by giving questionnaires to students and lecturers' responses, with the average percentage of student responses, namely the media aspect by 90%, material aspects by 90%, language and display aspects by 86% and examples of questions and exercises by 93%, its means that students generally assess this product as valid and practical to use in classroom learning, while the results of the average percentage of lecturer responses are media aspects by 100%, material aspects by 100%, language and appearance aspects by 97% and sample problem aspects and training by 100% means that the lecturer in general considers this product to be very valid and practical to use in geometry learning in the class, then the posttest results obtained by the average value of the experimental class better than the control class are 78.33>60.66 and t count < t table is 1.28 <1.65 so that this product is effectively used as a medium of learning mathematics for the mathematics education program Open University and Walisongo State Islamic University Semarang, generally LPTK in Semarang and surrounding areas.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Poster)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mobile Learning Mathematics, Ethnomatematics, Geometry
Subjects: 500 Natural Science and Mathematics > 510-519 Mathematics (Matematika) > 510 Mathematics/Matematika
500 Natural Science and Mathematics > 510-519 Mathematics (Matematika) > 519.7 Programming Mathematics/Matematika Pemrograman
Divisions: Koleksi Digital > Artikel
Depositing User: David NP
Date Deposited: 03 Aug 2021 02:28
Last Modified: 03 Aug 2021 02:28

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